In the "SpellForce 2 - Master of War" card game, the armys of 2 players are facing eachother. Supported by powerful magic and brave heroes the target is to expel the enemy from the battlefield and carry off the victory. But the fate of the shaft can change quickly, and a clever strategist must always be prepared for the unexpected.
1. What is the aim of the game?
2. How do you start/prepare the game?
3. How do the cards work?
4. Abilities of the units
5. How is the formation of the army?
6. How to play?
7. Which actions are there?
8. How works the fight?
9. How do the Spell-Cards work?
10. What are Hero cards and how do they work?
11. When does a player win?
Tutorial Videos
The objective of the game is to defeat the opposing armies or make them incapable of acting.
Both players sit opposite each other. [1] Each one of them use their custom army/deck that they prepared.
[2] Each player is dealt a hero card, which he lays down in front of him.
[3] The players shuffle their deck and draw 8 cards.
[4] The remaining stack of cards is put face down besides.
[5] Both Colours of the magic cards are shuffled and placed face down between the players decks.
[6] The callenging player plays out up to three cards from his hand, and places them side by side down on the table and thus making his 1st Army.
[7] The other player then places his part of the covenant up to three cards face down those of the challenging player from opposite.
Each player has an army of 38 cards. Most cards have a value of 1 to 7, indicating their strength. The higher its value, the stronger a card in a fight. These cards can be placed face during the game on the table. Many cards have one or more additional symbols that indicate their special abilities.
The Spell Cards can not be interpreted on the table, but played directly from his hand and placed after their action is completed. From the magic stack can both players draw.
Siege unit
Such a unit can show its strength only in the attack. If they get attacked they only has a defence of 1. Siege units automatically destroy towers in an attack.
First strike
If both units have the same strengh, the unit wins that has first strike. If both units have this ability, both cards are discarded.
Flying unit
Flying units can not be attacked by normal ground units. Only other flying units and units with magic, archer or siege damage can attack them. Flying units, which carry out an attack on a unit themself, fight like a normal floor unit. Flying units can also use the magic "quitus" when being played from hand.
Summon Dead
When this card is in the 1st row of an army, the player can instead of an attack, retrieve any unit from the discard pile. Thes costs the same as an attack, an action point.
Such a unit can only attack with magic. This also allows her to attack flying units.
A unit with this property can also attack air units.
Resistance against magic
A unit with resistance against magic gets a bonus of 1 for the strength against units with magic attacks.
Resistance against bullets
A unit with resistance against bullet gets a bonus of 1 on the strength against units with bullet attacks.
A tower can use his strength only in defense. He a tower attacks, his strength is only 1. Towers that are attacked by siege units are destroyed at the spot.
Throughout the game, the players plays out more cards to the field. Side by side, up to three cards are played. All cards that are next to each other are called an army. This can be one, two or three cards.
Behind every card of the 1st Army, up to three additional cards are placed. All cards behind each other are called a series. A set may consist of one, two, three or four cards.
A player can make a maximum of four armies, each consisting of three rows.
Cards in the 1st Army can attack the opposing cards of the 1st army of the enemy.
The players take turns. The challenging player begins the battle. For each card in the 1st Army, the player has an action point, so a maximum of three. If a player at the start of his round has just two rows of cards, he also has only two action points. Did he start his round with only cards in a row, he has only one action point. For an action point, you can perform the following actions:
1. Draw a unit card or draw a spell card
2. place a unit card on the battlefield
3. attack an enemy card
4. use a spell or spellcard
5. send out a scout
A player can once or several times perform an action. The actions can be performed in any order. It is allowed to play a card to attack an opponent's card and then attack another card.
A player must spend all action points. He can’t save anything and must spend everything.
Note: If you have not have a unit in the battlefield at the beginning of a round, you have no point of action and so immediately lost the game!
1. Drag a card
Costs one action point and means to take a card from their deck or the magic pile into your hand. You may have up to 8 cards in your hand..
2. The playing of a card
To play unit cards out costs one action point. A new card will always be hidden for the other player.
This may be behind already up cards in a row, as long as there are still no four cards in a row. Some magic, however, make it possible to change the order is laid out.
3. Attack an opponent's card
Costs one action point. Only units in the 1st row can attack and only the card directly in front of it.
4. Use a spell
Costs one action point. The card is sent after the end of the spell on his own discard pile.
5. The obtaining of the opponent
Costs one action point. It is played directly from the hand by a flying unit card and triggers the spell "quitus". The performing card is destroyed.
Only the cards in the 1st Army can perform an attack or can be attacked. The attacker pushes a card of his 1st group slightly forward, place it face and gives her strength value known. The opponent reveals his first opposing card in the same row and says their strength level and attributes. The card with the higher strength wins.
The defeated card will be placed on the discard pile. The card, which has won remains and is uncovered. This card can now be exposed in the same turn or later perform further attacks or even be attacked.
Are the cards equally strong, both cards are sent to their respective discard pile. If the front has been lost, the cards behind will be placed in there place.
Using a Spell costs one action point. A spell is played directly from the hand. Some spells last for one whole turn. These cards work until it is the caster players ends his turn, not just until the next action.
Allows you to reorder and replace an army row of your choice of your own.
Allows to uncover a row of cards, of the opponent.
Magic Shield
Gives a card the ability "resistance to magic," until the end of your turn.
Mental control
Send any opposing card from the 1st Army to the farthest place of the selected row. The card is unvailed now, if it was still hidden.
The caster player discards between one and three cards. For each card, which stores the player himself out of his hand, the opponent must also discard a card.
Makes all flying on both sides to normal ground units until the caster player ends his turn.
You draw a card from the hand of the enemy and put it on the discard pile.
Summon Dead
When this spell is spoken, the player can retrieve any unit from the discard pile.
The strength of an card unit is increased by 1 until the caster player ends his turn.
A row of enemys cards get mixed and placed hidden for everyone.
In the round in where a player plays his hero card played out already at the start of his round, that player has immediately and always four action points available, regardless of whether he be has one, two or three rows of cards. Playing of this card does not cost any action point. As long as the hero is not defeated, the four action points also apply to all subsequent rounds after the hero is drawn into the battle. This also applies if the hero was moved by a spell in the rows. If the hero is defeated, then the normal action points calculation takes place again.
If a player can not use the all of his action points, he has to give up, and his opponent wins. Note: In many cases, the game ends in this way.
If a player has at the start of his turn has no card on the field, that player loses.
Take the challenge and fight the world!
Defend your Side or you will be killed.
Setup your army and order your front lines.
Use powerful spell to power your army up.
Send your troops into the battle and fight your enemy.
In Spellforce 2 - Master of War you can level up by defeating your enemy’s on the battlefield. You can earn Medals from Rank 1 (beginner) up to the most awesome rank of all, Master of War (30)! Earn over 30 medals in Multiplayer against other players and make your war to the top. The RPG-System is available for local and online matches.
Spellforce 2 - Master of War gives you the full experience of the legenday cardgame designed by Jan Wagner but extended and redesigned by It-Huskys for a deeper and more strategic experience.
In Spellforce 2 - Master of War you are able to play against other player locally over LAN or Online. No fear of evil players. Forced Game-Disconnects and bad behavior will be punished for a good game experience for everyone.